Be sure to stop by our Booster table while you’re at RB completing your residency appointment. read more
Be sure to stop by our Booster table while you’re at RB completing your residency appointment. read more
RB is hosting Regionals for Girls Soccer next week, and we need some help in the concession stand. read more
We are still looking for Bulldog Families to help us sign up new Booster Members during residency days at RB. Please consider volunteering a few hours of your time. read more
Please help the Boosters start the year off right! We need your help signing up new members during residency at RB. Sign up for a shift (or two!) to sit at our table during residency and recruit new Booster members.… read more
RBHS is proud to host the IHSA basketball regionals, and we need some assistance in the concession stand both Wednesday and Friday this week. We’re looking for about 6 more people to help staff the counter. Can you help us… read more
We could really use your help staffing the Concession Stand over the winter break! read more