Claire Shanahan

Claire Shanahan, class of 2022 badminton player, went 5-1 in matches this past week and her only loss was against a state-ranked player. read more
Claire Shanahan, class of 2022 badminton player, went 5-1 in matches this past week and her only loss was against a state-ranked player. read more
Alyssa has not missed a single practice this season. Alyssa is the first person to practice and the last person to leave, Alyssa is always helping set up and break down the nets for practice and matches. Alyssa’s hard work… read more
Jillian Cadungog has been a model student athlete the entire season. She always participates when asked to demonstrate drills and leading warmups. Jillian has continued to play the #1 or #2 badminton each week, she continues to get better each… read more
Maddie Pollock and LiIian Ransel played a doubles team and went undefeated against Timothy Christian on 2 Since the beginning of the season these two athletes have continued to grow as leaders at practice and at meets. They are always… read more
Maddie Pollock and LiIian Ransel played a doubles team and went undefeated against Timothy Christian on 2 Since the beginning of the season these two athletes have continued to grow as leaders at practice and at meets. They are always… read more
Claire went 3-0 against Timothy Christian this past week. Claire beat all three of their top badminton players, Claire handled all three of those players with ease, Claire also beat their number two player 15-0. Well Claire, and keep up… read more